Christian Protester at Supreme Court

FRC Event: What Happens Next With Religious Liberty


In the wake of the 2016 presidential election, it would appear Christians are on the verge of winning a major battle in the fight to protect religious liberty for themselves and future generations of Americans.

But the war is far from over.

The Family Research Council will host a special event Thursday at its headquarters in Washington, D.C., titled “Religious Liberty after Election 2016: Where to Go from Here?” It will feature the Kirkpatrick Society founder Mary Eberstadt, author of It’s Dangerous to Believe: Religious Freedom and Its Enemies, How the West Really Lost God, Adam and Eve after the Pill and Home-Alone America.

Eberstadt argues religious believers and moral traditionalists are now offered, following the outcome of this month’s general election, several new opportunities for pushing back against the intolerance generated by years of secularist-progressive ascendancy. She will outline a blueprint for defending religious liberty beyond the courts and into the realms of education, academia, philanthropy and the wider culture.

While contemporary secularist-progressives claim their beliefs are “monolithic” and their agenda “inevitable,” neither is true, she says. She will demonstrate how Christians can now press a new moral case in the public square about their faith’s “paramount contribution to the public good.”

Click here to register for the event whether attending in person or watching the live webcast. Those who are attending in person at FRC Headquarters, located at 801 G Street NW in Washington, D.C., are reminded of the following:

  • Photo ID is required for admittance, and
  • all packages and bags are subject to search upon entry to the building.

Advance registration is required to attend in person. {eoa}


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