U.S. President Donald Trump signs a proclamation declaring his intention to withdraw from the JCPOA Iran nuclear agreement.

End-Times Expert Offers 4 Reasons Why Trump Was Right to Pull Out of Iran


After a careful policy review by senior administration officials, and consultation with a wide range of U.S. allies, President Donald Trump today kept his promise by announcing the U.S. will terminate the nuclear deal that President Obama and Secretary John Kerry negotiated with Iran.

The president also announced the U.S. will imposing severe economic sanctions on the terrorist regime in Tehran.

This was absolutely the right decision, and the president deserves tremendous credit.

As I’ve noted previously: “The president should scrap this insane and dangerous deal. 1) It’s not a real treaty signed by both sides. 2) It wasn’t confirmed by the U.S. Senate according to the Constitutional process. 3) The deal does not stop Iran from building or buying an entire nuclear arsenal in the near future. 4) Iranian leaders lied repeatedly through the entire process. They cannot and should not be trusted to keep their word, especially since they continually call for the U.S. and Israel to be annihilated.” {eoa}

Click here to read the rest of this story from Joel C. Rosenberg’s blog.


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