Donald Trump

Why Hasn’t Donald Trump Responded to the Supreme Court’s Abortion Opinion?


More than two days after the Supreme Court’s decision in the Whole Woman’s Health case against a Texas law restricting abortion, and still no word from Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting Donald Trump.

Given his lightning-fast response to the Istanbul bombings, it’s obvious there is an unwillingness to address the issue. Evangelical voters are wondering why, and more importantly, the key voting bloc wants to know exactly where he stands on the issue.

Due to his campaign’s silence, many are left to speculate. Here are the top possibilities for his decision to not respond:

  • He’s been all over the chart on his views on abortion, and a statement of any kind—for or against the opinion—would bring that issue back up.
  • He’s in a dogfight with Hillary Clinton that is only just beginning to get ugly, and polls suggest a narrow majority of Americans actually supported the high court’s decision, so he threatens to alienate voters either way he goes.
  • He’s still in the midst of his campaign shake-up—in the disarray, they completely missed the boat—and a late comment will fuel speculation that he was “testing the wind” before he commented.

Regardless of the actual reason, it’s clear that his campaign botched the situation and missed a huge opportunity to make further inroads with pro-life voters. But with the national focus immediately pivoting back to terrorism, it’s hard to say if it will seriously damage his campaign in the long run.


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