Glenn Beck

Whoever Wins, Glenn Beck Says There Will Be ‘Revolution in the Streets’


Nationally syndicated radio host Glenn Beck has bleak outlook for America following the Nov. 8 general election.

In fact, it’s one where he seems certain he’s going to jail.

Earlier this week, while taping an episode of Tomi on the Blaze Network, Beck was talking about the impact former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party presidential nominee, could have on the country over four or eight years in office. Hostess Tomi Lahren said she was gravely concerned about the damage that would be done when Beck jumped in with his own analysis.

“I think if she gets elected, I think we’re looking at Argentina,” he said. “I think we’re looking at Evita. We’re looking at Argentina.”

Not to be accused of suddenly jumping on the Trump Train, he immediately added his thoughts on what would happen if Republican nominee Donald Trump were elected in November.

“However, I think there is also a chance if Donald Trump gets elected we are looking at Mussolini,” he said. “Because we are going to go through horrible economic times and horrible times of revolution in the streets.”

Beck continued to unfurl more doom and gloom for the nation, adding, “a strongman can come up”—whether it’s a man or woman really doesn’t matter.

“Communist, dictatorship, it doesn’t matter,” he said. “That is the progressive choice—a dictatorship, fascist or communist. There is no constitutionalist here. There’s nobody talking about the Constitution.”

Beck claimed to have had a conversation on that very subject the night before. He said they asked him what America would look like under either Clinton or Trump:

“‘So, what does it look like under Hillary?’ and I said, ‘Evita. Worst-case scenario.’

“‘What does it look like under Donald?’ ‘Worst case, Mussolini.’

“‘Well, then, so what do we do?’ ‘A—you have to make that choice. I can’t make that choice. I’m done. I can’t—I don’t know what to do myself.’

“But, as I said to my kids, ‘Either one of those end with Dad in jail, so don’t worry about it.'”


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