Hillary and Bill Clinton

This 20-Year-Old Documentary Is Suddenly Making a Comeback


In 1994, the group Citizens for Honest Government produced a feature-length documentary video about corruption while then-President Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas.

It also unveiled longstanding accusations against Bill and now-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton that are criminal in nature. A copy of that video, titled, “The Clinton Chronicles,” has been published to YouTube and is now making the rounds on social media.

As of this writing, it has nearly 170,000 views, despite clocking in at more than 100 minutes in length. You can watch it in its entirety above. The following is an excerpt of the opening minute of the film.

“On Jan. 20, 1993, William Jefferson Clinton became the 42nd president of the United States. At the time, most Americans were not aware of the extent of Clinton’s criminal background, nor were they aware of the media blackout which kept this information from the public.

“As state attorney general, and later governor, Bill Clinton in 12 years achieved absolute control over the political, legal, and financial systems of Arkansas. As president he would attempt to do the same with the nation by bringing members of his inner circle with him to Washington.

“The hijacking of America was underway and its impact on future generations would be incalculable.”

While “The Clinton Chronicles” was meant to bolster opposition to President Bill Clinton’s agenda in Washington, and to limit him to one term in office—perhaps even by means of impeachment and removal from office—it included a number of damaging details about Hillary Clinton, as well. And that is what has made the film a must-watch, according to those who posted it to the internet.

“Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton have a seriously dark and corrupt history that netted a lot of cash,” the video description states. “Scandals and lies are found all over the place. Clinton isn’t called ‘Crooked Hillary’ and ‘Lying Hillary’ for no reason.”


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