Hillary Clinton

Respected Journalist: ‘Biggest Scandal in U.S. History’ Is About to Break


According to one of the nation’s most respected journalists, the biggest story of the 2016 presidential election—Hillary Clinton’s email scandal—is about the break wide open.

In an interview with another WorldNetDaily reporter, Jerome Corsi explains how he was able to determine, months before the FBI announced it had discovered 650,000 emails on a laptop owned by Huma Abedin, that Clinton’s longtime aide was forwarding classified emails to herself using an unsecured private email account. That is a violation of the Espionage Act, and it threatens to bring down the entire Clinton Machine.

He said the investigation of Abedin’s estranged husband, former U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner, over alleged sexting of underage girls:

“With the NYPD in on it, in addition to the Department of Justice in New York, there’s no way to contain the case by saying you’re not allowed to pursue it from the FBI’s point of view. The New York Police Department said, ‘Well, we’ll pursue it,'” Corsi said.

Corsi believes this story is about to explode, as he believes Clinton and Abedin moved all the emails in preparation for a pay-to-play scheme for access to her emails.

In addition, a Tuesday release from WikiLeaks shows a March 3, 2015, email from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta to former Clinton State Department Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills urging a quick dispatching of unidentified emails …

“This is a crime scheme that stinks,” Corsi said. “I think this WikiLeaks and this cache of 600,000 emails from the State Department, plus the other documentation we’ve gotten over time, I think this is going to be the biggest scandal in U.S. history, and it’s just about to break.”


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