Mike Pence

Mike Pence Has Another ‘Moment’ on the Campaign Trail


There can be little doubt that Indiana Gov. Mike Pence’s addition to the Republican presidential/vice presidential ticket has been a blessing to GOP nominee Donald Trump.

Tuesday, on the campaign trail, Pence offered yet another reminder of that fact after a boy in the audience got up to ask a question. His father, who suffers from ALS—also known as “Lou Gehrig’s Disease”—would benefit from Right to Try legislation.

After the boy asked his question, Pence left the stage and came down to the audience, where he spoke with him and gave him a hug. Meanwhile, the boy’s mother addressed the audience about the importance of Right to Try legislation.

Afterward, Pence—who signed similar legislation into law in Indiana—said, “I’m very proud the state of Indiana signed Right to Try legislation into law, and I promise you, I promise your dad, I promise Matt—we’re going to take your incredibly powerful, courageous, inspirational example. We’re going to take it to Washington, D.C., and we’re going to get it done.”

See the emotional moment above.

Right to Try would allow terminally ill patients try experimental drugs and therapies that have passed basic safety testing—known as “Phase I Testing”—but have not yet been approved by the FDA. So far, the legislation remains in its infancy at the federal level, although it has been introduced in about 20 states.


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