Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Want You to Remember This Shocking Exchange


This is a story Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton doesn’t want anyone to remember—if they’ve even heard about it at all.

Mere hours after her husband, President Bill Clinton, took the Oath of Office for a first time, the first couple attended a church service at an African Methodist Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C. Outside the church, they were greeted by a group of pro-life protesters.

One of those protesters, Lurleen Stackhouse, prayed that God would grant access to the event—and He did. Once inside, the Lord afforded her the opportunity to confront the president and first lady directly, face-to-face, over the abortion holocaust.

For years, the liberal mainstream media has distorted what happened next. But a recently recovered newspaper account—written by Stackhouse herself—explains what really happened.

“What should have been written was how stridently pro-death the Clintons really are,” she wrote. “I had the opportunity to confront Hillary face to face, and she countered by scoffing, ‘It is God’s law to kill babies.’ This is the story that should have been told.”

Click here to read the entire article from 1993.


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