Estimated Million People Brighten D.C. During MAGA March Saturday


Following months of riots led by anti-Christian, angry, violent, foul-mouthed, antifa-related protesters, clothed from head to foot in black, Washington, D.C., was flooded Saturday with joyful, brightly dressed, hopeful followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. The crowd, estimated to have reached 500,000, took every opportunity to publicly pray and call upon God to intervene in the current electoral certification process.

Sherrie Lavigne, who drove with three friends from North Carolina and slept in the car to arrive on time, said, “It is important for us as Christians to show up and support our president. It is not enough to just pray—we also need to be here and in our state capitals when we get home. We believe God will answer our prayers.”

Coming from Knoxville, Tennessee, Ronald Petterson led prayer before the crowd. He said, “Donald J. Trump is the best president ever. God has raised him up, and we are here to battle for him. He had our backs at every point and we are here to have his back in prayer and publicly. As believers, we are under no illusions about the battle we face, but we believe we will win.”

Joining Congressemen Mike Kelly, R-Penn., Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, and American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp—all committed believers—MyPillow inventor and CEO Mike Lindell, led the group in an impassioned prayer with, “Heavenly Father, please give us grace and Donald Trump as our president for the next four years. Please reveal all the corruption and fraud in this election and show everyone your will. Open doors that no man can shut. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.”

The massive crowd stretched up every street surrounding Freedom Plaza, across from the Trump Hotel.

As President Trump ‘s motorcade made a complete circle of Freedom Plaza, waving to the cheering crowd, Lindell called out, “Today, Mr. President, we are here to tell you that you are the greatest president ever—and we are all in! God bless America!”

In his book bestselling book, God, Trump and the 2020 Election, author Stephen E. Strang said, “I believe God wants America to be great because God has raised up this nation, going back to our Founding Fathers, to be a beacon of light and hope for the world. Because of our religious liberty Christianity has flourished, allowing the gospel to spread across the globe.”

“Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.” (Luke 12:2) This Scripture gives support to the 72 million Americans, most of whom are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, to continue to pray and publicly stand for a president today and in the days ahead. They recognize his moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem; appointing over 300 judges and three Supreme Court justices; defending religious, freedom both within the county and worldwide; and as being the most pro-life president in history.

The simple cries of those attending the rally were, “He has had our back at each point and now it is the time for us to have his back,” “The power of showing up,” and “Rest in the Spirit. Fight in the natural!” {eoa}

Amir George is the author of Liberating Iraq and directs The World Helpline at

People Needed: Capitol Hill Daily Prayer 7:30 a.m./12 p.m., Hart Senate Office Building, Constitution Ave./Supreme Court entrance.

Even if you can’t come, please pause to pray at 7:30/12 and let us know at[email protected].


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