Hillary Clinton

FBI Found Nearly 15,000 New Clinton Emails


Hillary Clinton’s email problem is one scandal that just won’t go away for the Democratic presidential nominee.

Monday morning, it was reported by a number of mainstream news outlets that the FBI, in the course of its yearlong investigation into her use of private email servers while secretary of state, found 14,900 emails Clinton didn’t hand over to the State Department. This would seriously contradict her sworn testimony to Congress that she handed over all of her government work-related emails.

The documents were announced at a federal court hearing over a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch against the State Department. But don’t expect to know what’s in those documents anytime soon.

Some of the new documents contain information that is deemed private under FOIA. The State Department said at Monday’s hearing it was just beginning the process of weeding out the information that must be redacted due to national security and/or privacy concerns.

That process is expected to take months, which could leave the public in the dark about some of them until after the election.

“We’re talking about tens of thousands of documents,” Lisa A. Olson, a Justice Department lawyer representing the State Department, said.

The FBI has said the 14,900 emails—contained on one of seven computer disks turned over to the State Department—were either sent or received by Mrs. Clinton and are not duplicative of the approximately 30,000 emails she has already turned over. It’s not clear what other documents are on the six remaining disks.

“The State Department must keep politics out of the process as it works on the messages, and said speed is important,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “It has had the 14,900 messages for a month and hasn’t produced any of them yet. That’s simply not acceptable.”


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