David Bossie

Donald Trump’s Latest Hire Will Focus on GOTV


According to media reports Thursday evening, the Donald Trump presidential campaign has hired veteran strategist David Bossie to lead its get-out-the-vote efforts ahead of the Nov. 8 general election.

Bossie is the former head of Citizens United, a conservative government watchdog group that has been dogging the Obama Administration for years. It also has close ties with grassroots conservative groups around the country, including many that were supportive of Trump’s primary opponent, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas).

The Washington Post reports Bossie will officially serve as deputy campaign manager, quoting the Trump campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway. His job will be to integrate the campaign’s data operation with its growing ground game, while assisting with overall campaign strategy.

He’s a “scrapper,” too. Part of his job will be to sift through the “treasure trove” of past Clinton controversies to find new ways to attack Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Bossie’s hiring brought out a sharp response from the Clinton campaign.

“This is the latest sign that Donald Trump has put the most extreme elements of the right-wing fringe in the driver’s seat of his campaign,” her campaign chairman, John Podesta, said. “He has devoted his career ever since to trying to tear down Hillary Clinton. For months now, Citizens United has been acting as an arm of the Trump campaign, and this hiring of Bossie now makes it official.”


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