Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Democrats’ Hypocrisy Revealed in Leaked Emails


The Democratic Party is in absolute chaos in the hours before it launches its quadrennial national convention, and a new revelation from the leaked emails has created another firestorm of controversy for the beleaguered party.

In an email sent by Rebecca Christopher of the DNC’s digital outreach department, Hispanic and Latino voters are referred to as “taco bowls.” It’s a vague reference to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s campaign photo in which he is enjoying a taco salad in a fried tortilla bowl on the Mexican holiday “Cinco de Mayo.”

Trump was almost universally blasted by liberals and conservatives alike. But, according to the email, the DNC response was even more disturbing:

Hi everyone, Attached is a script for a new video we’d like to use to mop up some more taco bowl engagement, and demonstrate the Trump actually isn’t trying. Let me know if you have any flags and thank you!

Christopher is a graduate of Valparaiso University, where she majored in political science and government. While in college, she volunteered with the Obama campaign, and then went to work for one of his Super PACs, Obama for America. Prior to joining the DNC, she served in a similar capacity with Mayors Against Illegal Guns.

Adding to the hypocrisy on display, neither the DNC nor the many Hispanic and Latino groups that have backed Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election have responded to the latest development in the growing scandal. The email was one of the nearly 20,000 released Friday by WikiLeaks.


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