Earl Best Jr. and FBI Zodiac Killer Sketch

Democrat PAC Stoops to New Low


In one of the low points of the 2016 presidential campaign, an Internet meme began circulating in which liberals claimed U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, resembles the FBI sketch of the Zodiac Killer.

In yet another sign of just how tone-deaf liberals have become on the issue of inciting violence against conservatives and Republicans, a new Democrat political action committee aimed at unseating the senator launched Thursday with the name “ZodiacPAC.” While its website states that Cruz is obviously not the killer—he wasn’t even born yet at the time of the murders—it’s using the meme to highlight what it says is the “fundamental meanness” of the senator.

The PAC’s website describes itself as “a political action committee founded by young Houstonians, out of a belief that there are lots of Texans who don’t feel represented by the likes of Ted Cruz. Many of the most conservative and senior leaders in Congress come from our great state; the November 2018 election is an important opportunity to challenge conservative Republicans’ support for Donald Trump’s racist, sexist, elitist agenda.”

The organization’s FEC filing suggests it’s more than just a vile, ugly joke, although it’s unclear how much financial backing it actually has. Houston is one of the major liberal population centers in Texas, and is home to a number of technology companies that could produce young liberals who are motivated to remove Cruz and “send a message” to the president. {eoa}


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