President-elect Donald Trump

3 Factors Dr. James Dobson Believes Propelled President-Elect Trump to Victory


In his latest Family Talk monthly newsletter, Dr. James Dobson reveals the three reasons why he believes President-elect Donald Trump was victorious last November.

“Virtually every pundit and news organization told the nation incessantly that Mrs. Clinton would be a certain winner on Nov. 8. As we all know, they were shockingly wrong,” he wrote. “Now that the ballots have been counted and even recounted, the media are making another mistake.

“We are being told that Trump’s win is attributed to white working class males in the Rust Belt who were angry about their difficult financial circumstances. They did respond in huge numbers, but it wasn’t enough to account for the Republican victory.”

Dobson said he has a much “more accurate” explanation. Polls and surveys taken after the election have shown, repeatedly, that evangelical Christians turned out to vote in “unprecedented” numbers, he said, in part because of the voter outreach efforts of groups like Lift the Vote.

“Lift the Vote had three buses on the road between Sept. 16 and Nov. 8, Election Day, which made stops in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Nevada, North Carolina, Florida and Virginia,” he wrote. “The group ‘distributed stickers proclaiming, “I’m a Christian. I’m voting!” to over 400,000 people as a crucial part of the “high touch/boots-on-the-ground” voter turnout initiative,’ according to the organization’s statement.”

He also credited The Family Research Council and the Rev. Franklin Graham’s Decision America Tour as helping to mobilize evangelicals. But what were the issues that drove these committed Christians to the polls to actually cast a ballot?

“I am convinced it is because of three primary factors,” Dobson wrote. “They are: the sanctity of human life, the Constitutional guarantees of religious liberty that are being shredded, and the promise by Mr. Trump to appoint pro-life justices to the Supreme Court. These issues are all related, of course.” {eoa}

Click here to read his entire analysis.


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