Donald Trump met recently with black pastors.

Did David Jeremiah’s Prophecy Over Donald Trump Come to Pass?


David Jeremiah prophesied that the Lord would raise up “strong African-Americans” to stand with Donald Trump months before the Republican met with nearly a hundred black pastors.  

“Lord I pray you will bring into his life a strong African-American who can stand with him and represent that community so that his voice can be heard even in a stronger way there,” Jeremiah prayed in October. 

And after Trump met with black pastors in New York City, it appears Jeremiah’s prophecy may have come to pass.  

“I saw love in that room. I see love everywhere I go,” Trump said, claiming he expected “many, many endorsements” to come, CNN reports.

“This meeting was amazing. Amazing people,” Trump said. “The meeting went so much longer, and it went longer only because of the love.” 

According to the New York Times, Trump is a mystifying figure in the African-American community, and Monday’s meeting may not have garnered the support Trump believes. 

The NYT reports the black ministers challenged Trump over his record, and suggested he apologize for his incendiary language, according to those who attended. 

“We made history today,” meeting organizer Darrell Scott told CNN. “We had meaningful dialogue with Mr. Donald Trump. We voiced concerns that are sensitive to the African-American community and we asked questions and the questions were answered where we were all satisfied with the answers.” 

Scott isn’t the only one pleased with Trump. 

“He’s best for not only the country but certainly the black community,” Pastor Steve Parson, a Richmond-area minister, told ABC. “We’re wanting to get off of welfare and we feel that can be done through the information the knowledge of a person like Donald Trump.”


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