Cindy Jacobs shares how to pray for the inauguration.

Cindy Jacobs: How to Diffuse Inauguration Distractions


As part of her 100-day prayer challenge, Cindy Jacobs issued a major strategy on how to war against inauguration destruction.

According to The New York Times“In addition to the usual range of threats, officials from federal, state and local agencies are preparing this year for what they say could be large-scale protests aimed at disrupting the ceremony and registering disapproval of Donald J. Trump’s presidency at the moment the world is watching his ascension to office. A march planned for Saturday could attract as many as half a million people, one official said, putting additional stress on law enforcement.” 

But this does not intimidate God’s warriors. 

Click here to watch the video to see how you can join with believers around the globe to pray. {eoa}


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