Demonstrators hold hands in front of Baltimore Police.

Why You Should Support the Baltimore Police Department


In Baltimore right now, police officers are under attack. Regardless of what may—or may not—have happened there, the police officers there must know that the public nationwide stands with the law enforcement community. It must be made clear that physical assaults on police officers will not be tolerated.

Thanks should be constant to heroic police officers who risk their lives to keep the public safe.

If media reports are accurate which indicate that Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said her city government “gave those who wished to destroy space to do that,” that is a terrible statement and message to give the public. Violence must not be an acceptable option in a civil society.

Being a police officer is a very difficult job—it is much harder when we do not feel the support of elected officials and government—the very people who should be supporting law and order. Police officers wake up, do their jobs and go home to their families. Police officers remain committed to enforcing the law and improving the quality of life of Americans nationwide.

There must be strong law and order. Law enforcement officers nationwide remain committed to making cities safe—and elected officials must stand side by side with them. 

Tonight, I call for all Americans to stand with the Baltimore Police Department.

Sergeant Ed Mullins is President of the NYPD’s Sergeants Benevolent Association (SBA).


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