Jim Bakker with John Shorey

Why Are We Blatantly Ignoring Luke 19?


End-times scholars are warning of God’s coming judgment for believers who refuse to heed the Luke 19 parable of the master who is away.

In the parable, Christ speaks of a master who travels to a distant kingdom and entrusts his servants with money while he is away. Those who traded, the master praised. But the one who did nothing, the master judged.

Author John Shorey says this applies to preparing for Christ’s return, even now.

“It’s easy to put things off, especially if you think we have more time,” Shorey shares on The Jim Bakker Show. “That thought that I put across, the ‘occupy until I come,’ until Jesus comes, Noah occupied all the way up until the day it started to rain. And I say, finish getting prepared first … We don’t know how much time we have.”

Watch the video to see more.




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