A British Airways aircraft flies in front of a full moon over London, England.

Does the Super Blue Blood Moon Mean Jesus Is Coming Back in 2018?


It takes a special brand of pride—or deception—to claim you know when Jesus is coming back. But that doesn’t stop the Second Coming predictors from stirring the pot.

According to the United Kingdom’s Express, “Christians believe the upcoming super blue blood moon which will dazzle the skies [on Jan. 31,] along with the supermoon that kicked off the year on January 1, are signs from God that 2018 will be a ‘biblical’ year, as it also marks the 70th anniversary of the birth of Israel.”

OK, that’s one thing. But Unsealed.org takes it a step further:

“If the Great American Eclipse was the darkened sun piece of the puzzle, perhaps this blood moon is the missing piece, which could mean the Day of the LORD begins soon, perhaps even this year. What makes this Super-Blue-Blood Moon even more amazing is that approximately two-thirds of the world’s population will be able to see some or all of the total phase of the eclipse.” This rare trifecta event is happening just six to seven weeks before the 70th biblical year since Israel’s rebirth begins (March 17th, 18th, or 20th, depending on different interpretations of the biblical calendar). March 1948 witnessed the beginning of the year in which the Jewish people declared their independence and the State of Israel was born. We are just weeks away from the 70th year since that pivotal time.

These reports don’t go so far as to predict Christ’s Second coming. They merely outline dates and times and facts and history. But make no mistake—we’ll see the spiritual speculators rise up to distract us from what really matters.

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