Although Branham's controversial revelation that claimed him to be the end-time

William Branham’s 7 Spectacular End-Times Visions


“And the Lord answered me: Write the vision, and make it plain on tablets, that he who reads it may run. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but it speaks of the end, and does not lie. If it delays, wait for it; it will surely come, it will not delay” (Hab. 2:2-3).

True visions are not given to the body of Christ for the purpose of arousing curiosity or thrill in us, not for debate or critiquing them, nor for speculation. The Lord grants visions to some of His servants for the purpose of prayer and preparation.

William Branham had an undeniable anointing on his life, one so rare and unique for our day. He was prolific in the word of knowledge, word of wisdom and discerning of spirits, along with a great healing anointing. The following are visions he had back in the 1930s, which reveal, warn and point the way for us today. Some of these have already come to pass, proof of their amazing accuracy.

Although Branham’s controversial revelation that claimed him to be the end-time “Elijah” prophet of the Laodicean church age was misguided and bizarre, and he became the center of a personality cult, the majority of his years of ministry were tremendous in their anointing and impact.

Here then are his spectacular seven end-times visions:

Vision 1

He saw in a vision that the dictator of Italy, Benito Mussolini, would invade Ethiopia and according to the voice speaking to him, Ethiopia “would fall at his (Mussolini’s) steps.” However, the voice continued and prophesied a dreadful end of the dictator, for he would have a horrible death and his own people would literally spit on him.

Vision 2

The next vision indicated America would be drawn into a world war against Germany which would be headed up by the Austrian, Adolph Hitler. The voice predicted that this terrible war would overthrow Hitler and he would come to a mysterious “end.” In this vision he was shown the Siegfried line whereat a great toll of American lives would be exacted, but Hitler would be defeated.

It might be well to mention here that a subsequent vision relative to this war predicted that President Roosevelt would declare war against Germany and in so doing would eventually be elected for a fourth term.

Please note: For many years, the American government denied “the losses” suffered by the American forces at the Seigfried Line. It wasn’t until sometime in the early 1960s that German films surfaced, forcing the Americans to admit what really happened at that line. Off course, it’s not the first time that governments attempted to cover up mistakes, failure and losses during a war.

Vision 3

The third part of the vision showed that though there were three “isms”—Fascism, Nazism, Communism in the world—that the first two would come to nothing but that Communism would flourish. The voice admonished him to keep his eyes on “Russia” concerning future involvements, for Fascism and Nazism would end up in Communism.

Please note: In 1933, the Voice admonished him to “Watch Russia.” It didn’t say, ‘Watch the Soviet Union,’ but rather “Russia.” Since 1989, the Soviet Union is no more. 

Vision 4

The fourth vision that appeared to him was one in which there was predicted to be tremendous technological advances right after the war. This was symbolized by an egg-shaped car with a plastic bubble roof, going down beautiful highways completely under perfect remote control. There was no steering wheel in the car and the occupants of the car appeared to be playing a game like checkers.

Please note: This vehicle is already in existence, and has been for many years, waiting only the systems of highways that can accommodate such a mode of transportation. I have in my files pictures and scientific data concerning this vehicle. 

Vision 5

The fifth scene that appeared involved the womanhood of the world. In this scene there appeared the fast moral decay of women. Starting back when she received her liberty to enter into worldly affairs by means of the vote, she soon began to wear clothes that were too revealing. She bobbed her hair and adopted the clothing of men. Finally the vision showed her all but stripped naked and she merely covered herself with a tiny apron about the size and shape of a fig leaf. With her womanhood so little valued, a terrible decay of all flesh came upon the Earth, and with it, perversion, even as set forth by the Word of God.

Vision 6

Then there arose in the United States a most beautiful woman clothed in splendor, and great power was given to her. She was lovely of feature, but there was a hardness about her that defied description. Beautiful as she was, she was yet cruel, wicked and cunning. She dominated the land with her authority, and she had complete power over the people. The vision indicated that either such a woman would literally arise or that this woman of the vision was merely a type of an organization, which is scripturally characterized by a female. Though the voice did not speak out and reveal who she was, he felt in his heart that this woman represented the rising Roman Catholic Church, and he inserted in parenthesis beside it at the end of this vision which he had written out, (perhaps the Catholic Church).

Vision 7

The voice bade him to look once more. As he turned and beheld, a great explosion rent the entire land, and left the land of America a smoldering, chaotic ruin. As far as the eye could see there was nothing but craters, smoking piles of debris, and no humanity in sight. The vision then faded away.

Can you see that most of these have come to pass, at least in part? Let us be armed and ready for the warfare that is yet to come. Let us burn brightly for the Lord and be ready His soon return.

“Let your waist be girded and your lights be burning, and you be like men waiting for their master to return from the wedding banquet, so that they may open the door immediately for him when he comes and knocks” (Luke 12:35-36).


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