Bert Farias says the Lord shared this word with him.

Prophecy: John 4:24 Coming to Pass Right Now


The day is here, the hour is now when My people shall worship Me in Spirit and in truth.

For the day is here and the hour is now when those who yield to My Spirit and resist the lusts and the desires of this world and of their flesh shall increase. They shall increase in grace, they shall increase in power, they shall increase in effectiveness.

Those that yield to Me in this hour shall make it easier to yield to Me in the next hour and the next day and the next hour and the next day. Those that have learned to submit themselves to Me and yield to Me shall make it easier and easier and easier to resist all that’s not of Me, to resist all that’s contrary to Me and all that is against and opposed to My will. 

Oh, but for those who continue to yield to the flesh, for those who continue to yield to the lusts of the flesh, and the love of this world, it shall become ever more difficult, ever more rigid, ever harder to submit to Me. 

So which way do you choose? Do you choose the world? Will you choose the darkness and the lust and love of the world, or will you continue to choose Me and My life and My power and My freedom? For judgment has come, for does not My word say that judgment begins in the house of God? Does not My word admonish you that you ought to judge yourself that you would not be judged? And so the day has come for more severe judgment. 

On your part, judge yourselves, examine yourselves, but I have peered from heaven even this hour and have beheld your good order. And I have beheld the high esteem that many of you have for My Spirit and for My ways and for My power. And for those who have been faithful, there shall indeed be a recompense, for the reckoning has come, for I’ve chosen to add and even to multiply to some of you who’ve been faithful to what I’ve given you. 

And as the little boy brought Me his lunch and all that he had, even now I admonish you to bring Me your lunch and the little that you think you have. And I will take that little and begin to increase it and add to it and multiply it.

If you will being to step out even more in faith, if you will begin to trust Me even more by faith; and if you will contend with heaven for all that belongs to you and all that is yours and all that is promised, I will be moving. I will be moving on and I will be moving strong. For those who contend for My move they shall see it. For those who contend for revival this day, those that contend for the harvest in this day, those that care about what I care about, those who care for the things of My kingdom and the things that concern My church, upon you shall come the blessing that makes rich and adds no sorrow to it. Upon you and your household, and your children and children’s children shall come under My influence and My blessing. 

Oh, will you contend with Me, and contend with all of those even here among the cloud of witnesses? Will you contend in prayer? And will you contend for what is yet to come? The greater, the greater, yes, the greater! Set your heart for the greater—the greater glory, the greater power, the greater miracles, even the unusual that you have not yet seen and that I desire to bring and that I desire to manifest. For I have not hid these things from you, I have not kept these things from you, for I desire to manifest them for all to view. 


Let Me, your Lord and your Lover, impregnate you with these things. Let Me, your Lord and your Lover, impregnate you with My Spirit of prayer and my Spirit of supplication. Let Me, your Lord and your Lover, impregnate you so that you may give birth, so that you may deliver that which has already been delivered, but has yet to me made manifest—even the restoration of all things that I’ve promised, even the latter glory that I promised and said would be greater than the former. Who will extend their faith for the greater? Who will contend and labor in prayer for the greater? 


And what’s this I see? And what’s this I see? Those who do indeed submit to Me and to My will and to My plan, and submit to My Spirit and to My ways, there shall come a great, great joy and a great satisfaction and even dancing and rejoicing. For My Spirit will take you on the wings of your submission and on the wings of your faith and shall lift you up into another realm where you will dance and delight in the things that they dance and delight up here in this place. 

And the things that seem so hard shall no more be hard; and the things that seem so difficult shall no more be difficult; and shall no more be a struggle. Oh, there will still be tests and trials that come to all who live down here, but those tests and trials will no longer affect you as they have in recent years. 

Those tests and trials will come to you and they will hit you, but kind of bounce off you. They will not affect you as they have affected you before. For I’m going to add to you now what you had and then much more. And this much more that I give you will cause you to stand and sustain you, even in the most severe trials. It will push you like a wind would push you on ahead, and you’ll be glad. 

You’ll be glad that you went with Me, you’ll be glad that you submitted to Me, you’ll be glad that you surrendered all to Me. In that day, you’ll stand as an overcomer, victorious over all, and you’ll give Me praise forevermore.


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