Paul on homosexuality

The Apostle Paul and Homosexuality—Answering Homosexual Objections (Part 2)


The New Testament book of Romans is one of the most profound literary works to ever elaborate upon the Christian worldview.

Chapter 1 of the apostle Paul’s theological masterpiece contains the most explicit description and denunciation of both male and female homoerotic sexual behavior. This explains why many liberal revisionist theologians and “gay apologists” have gone to great lengths to sow confusion and undermine the plain meaning of key portions of this critically important book. More specifically, Romans 1:26-27 has become the target of the most vociferous and voluminous attacks by those striving to subvert hetero-normalcy. For this reason, a more extensive defense of the Scriptural foundation of sexual ethics is warranted.

Romans Chapter 1 very specifically describes the downward moral spiral of any society that suppresses the clearly evident truths of God’s existence, power and nature (vss. 18-20). As a result of this inexcusable rebellion against God and his principles, the dark descent into depravity inevitably commences. God eventually gives these individuals over to a reprobate mind “for the degrading of their bodies with one another” through “unnatural” homosexual behavior (vss. 24, 28).

From this point, the moral free fall leads to all types of contemptible and condemnable conduct (vs. 29-31). The apostle Paul then proceeds to reveal that the Lord’s consequent judgment hangs over those who engage in such behavior when he refers to “God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death” (vs. 32).

Dr. James R. White and Jeffrey D. Niell write in The Same Sex Controversy that “this presentation is one that confirms, beyond question, the essential correctness of the view Christians have held from the beginning: that Paul singles out homosexuality in Romans 1:26-27 as an illustration of the judgment of God upon those who refuse to acknowledge His lordship over their lives.”

The passage in question reads as follows: “For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.”


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