Is Iran giving Israel no other choice but to attack it?

Opinion: Israel’s Diplomatic Choices Becoming Limited


The recently signed framework agreement between the P5+1 group of nations and Iran, currently being promoted by the Obama administration and its many Democratic lackeys in Congress, has greatly increased the likelihood of a massive Israeli preemptive strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Even though the American (and other) sanctions on Iran haven’t officially been removed, the wall has already fallen, as the psychologically weakened and, as always, money-hungry international community rushes to engage the ayatollahs. Russia’s Vladmir Putin was the first and most notable, finalizing an agreement to ship his country’s S-300 missile defense system to Iran. Australia soon followed, reaching an intelligence-sharing agreement with the Islamic state.

These ominous signs on the horizon are only the beginning of a dangerous process of capitulation to Iran, as the world quickly recognizes what is evident to almost everyone aside from U.S. President Obama and his clueless Secretary of State John Kerry, that Iran is being given the international green light to become a nuclear nation. Therefore, the world wants to get into its good graces.

If Iran was seeking nuclear power for peaceful purposes, it would be quite different, but the third largest oil-exporting country has absolutely no need for nuclear energy, unless it truly aims to fulfill its often declared goal of destroying Israel and exporting its Islamic revolution around the world, the latter of which it is already doing.

An Israeli pre-emptive strike on Iran’s many nuclear facilities will not be easy. It will require a massive lightning assault that will be denounced by virtually every nation, but the longer Israel waits, the inevitable, subsequent diplomatic onslaught will be that much greater.

There is no choice. Even renewed and increased American sanctions, however praiseworthy, and however well-intended by their Congressional advocates, will not stop the death march of the ayatollahs.

The clock is rapidly ticking. Sadly, it must finally be understood that the military option is the only realistic one. In two weeks, the new Israeli governing coalition will be officially established and government policy will be set in place.

Let the planning begin.

David Rubin is former mayor of Shiloh, Israel. He is founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, and the author of four books, including The Islamic Tsunami and his latest, Sparks From Zion. Visit him at or at

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