An Israeli soldier stands next to signs pointing out distances to different cities, on Mount Bental, an observation post in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights that overlooks the Syrian side of the Quneitra crossing, Israel.

‘Miracle of Purim’: Israel Supporters Rally Around Donald Trump’s Golan Heights Announcement


Today, U.S. President Donald Trump recognized Israel’s sovereignty over Golan Heights, a move that encouraged many Christian leaders and politicians.

Though criticisms rolled in on social media, many believers and Jews rejoiced over Trump’s announcement.

Dr. Michael Brown, cultural commentator:

Honestly, it’s hard for me to believe that we never officially recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights before now. Once again, President Trump is taking a righteous stand for Israel’s security. I pray he will continue to do so in a consistent way, regardless of pressures to compromise.

Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference:

I join with Israel and the Jewish people in enthusiastically applauding today’s decision by this administration to formally recognize what’s been true since God Himself gave the Israelites the Promised Land many thousands of years ago—and more recently in 1967 when Israel re-took control of the land during the Six-Day War—that the Golan Heights are the rightful, sovereign lands of Israel. If this territory were ever to fall under the control of another government or terrorist group hostile to the nation of Israel, it would only mean conflict, death and war for the entire region. It is my firm belief that this bold action, which has long been promised by other politicians, will do much to ensure lasting peace and stability throughout the Golan Heights and neighboring lands for many generations to come.

Larry Tomczak, cultural commentator:

Billy Graham told us that courage is contagious. Our president once again stands true to his promises and blesses those who God selected as His chosen people. The land has been set apart by God himself and we can thank God and our president for communicating to the world our united stand with the Jewish people and their homeland.

Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel and President of Christians in Defense of Israel

I am pleased with President Trump’s recognition of Israel’s valid, legitimate and necessary claim over the Golan Heights. The Golan Heights have been part of Israel since biblical times and was part of the land allotted to the twelve tribes of Israel some 3,500 years ago. This recognition is long overdue, and President Trump is the first president to finally take action.

Dr Jim Garlow, CEO of Well Versed, Inc – a ministry to persons in government:

Once again, the President has affirmed what God wrote thousands of years ago in His Word regarding the land. These type of Scripture-honoring declarations bring the ‘Genesis 12:3 blessing’ on the United States.

And by the way, the Word of God speaks about more than just the land in the Golan. According to the God’s Word, Samaria and Judea also belong to the Jewish people. The Jews aren’t ‘occupying’ the land. Based on the Bible, they own it.

Greg Laurie, senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship:

The Golan Heights is a massively strategic geopolitical position which has, up until now, been considered a ‘buffer zone’ or ‘disputed’ between Israel and Syria. The Golan Heights is part of land that God gave to Abraham and his descendants and has been controlled by Israel since 1967 following the Six-Day war. It was once used to stage attacks against Israel by those hostile to her very existence, and terror groups largely funded by Iran, would do so again if given the opportunity. Today’s announcement by the president is critically important to Israel’s long term health, stability, and the prosperity of Israel and her people.

Golan Heights is a region along the borders of Syria and Israel.

Israel annexed the area in 1981, though the move was not recognized internationally, according to BBC.

This story will be updated as more information becomes available.


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