‘I Hope Israel Won’t Have to Pay’ for Midterm Results


The results of the 2018 midterm elections shifted the balance of power in Washington, D.C. The election also affected capitals around the world, including Jerusalem.

While Republicans maintained control of the Senate, they lost the house.

“There’s a lot power in the House,” Dr. Mike Evans, founder of Friends of Zion Museum, told CBN News. “I mean there’s a lot of influence over appropriations and it’s not going to be as easy for them as it has been. It’s going to be a battle. I hope to God that Israel won’t have to pay for it because that would be a terrible mistake.”

Evans, who serves on President Trump’s Faith Advisory Board, says he’s troubled by the recent history of Democrats with Israel’s prime minister.

“Listen they’ve tried that in the past. They’ve gone behind the scenes to try to undermine [Prime Minister] Benjamin Netanyahu. Some of them have been presidents doing it. Bill Clinton and [Barack] Obama himself sent people in,” Evans recalled. “You can be sure they’ll be Democrats working with his [Trump’s] own coalition to undermine him. It’s not going to be an easy ride.”

The next item on the agenda will likely be President Trump’s peace plan.

Click here to watch Evans explain (at the 4:40 mark). {eoa}

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