U.S. President Barack Obama

Contradiction: Obama Trying to Pave Peace Road With Terrorist Funding


The Obama Administration has embarked down a dangerous road of “sequester-era stimulus for radical foreign governments.”  The Administration is sending a half a billion dollars to the terrorist-led Palestinian Authority, $250 million to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood led government, and shipments of some of our most powerful and sophisticated weaponry of war to that same anti-Israel Egyptian government.

All of this taxpayer funding of radical regimes has been over the strong objections of Congress and the American people.

Now, the Obama Administration is asking Congress to approve an additional $200 million in funding for the terrorist-led Palestinian Authority.

At a time when budget cuts are critically necessary, where are our priorities as a nation?  Why are we sending billions upon billions of our tax dollars to radical regimes—regimes which pose a significant threat to stability in the Middle East and continually spew hate and call for the destruction of our ally Israel?

Not only do these funds dangerously prop up a Palestinian unity government with the vile terrorist group Hamas, which has continually lobbed rockets at Israeli civilians, a portion of those funds are directed toward Palestinian “law enforcement.”  This type of funding has been repeatedly criticized as the “US training Israel’s enemies.”

As ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow wrote on FoxNews.com, “It is difficult to overstate the absurdity of these gifts. . . . The pattern of American foreign aid now becoming clear:  We borrow billions from China to subsidize and even prop up regimes that defy us at every turn.”

If there is one thing that history has taught us, it’s that we can never hope to achieve any real peace by funding the sworn enemies of our allies and those who wish our destruction.

The road to peace cannot be paved by funding terrorists.

This message must be made loud and clear to our leaders in Congress and in the White House: Stop funding the Muslim Brotherhood; stop funding jihad.

Matthew Clark is Associate Counsel for Government Affairs and Media Advocacy with the ACLJ in the Washington, D.C. headquarters.

For the original article, visit aclj.org.



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