
Shocking Planned Parenthood Testimony Supports Killing Newborn Babies


It is still difficult for me to believe that this actually happened. 

During a hearing in the Florida Legislature, a Planned Parenthood representative repeatedly expressed support for the right to choose to kill a newborn baby.  

In stunning testimony and to the shock of pro-life and pro-choice legislators alike, the official continued to reiterate that Planned Parenthood believes that this decision should be made by the patient (mother) and the physician (abortionist), even after there is clearly another living patient outside the womb and lying on the operating table.   

If you have difficulty believing that I have fairly characterized what happened, I strongly encourage you to watch the video for yourself

As you can see from the video, even lifelong long pro-choice legislators expressed disbelief at the testimony they were hearing. But as I watch this testimony, I am struck by another disturbing question that was not asked or answered:

“If a baby outside the womb should not automatically have the full rights of a living human being, when exactly does Planned Parenthood believe those rights should begin?”

If a baby lives five minutes, does he or she warrant life-saving care? What about an hour? A day? Does a child need to crawl or walk before an obligation for care kicks in? Or maybe the child needs to be old enough to verbally ask for help for itself? When specifically does a person acquire the rights of personhood?

I am sure these questions seem ridiculous, and of course they are. But I do not think Planned Parenthood can honestly and consistently answer that question in a way that is consistent with the way it operates its clinics.

The fact remains that even the most radical abortion advocate has to concede that at some point, a “fetus” (their term, not mine) becomes a person. The scientific evidence is overwhelmingly on the side of my belief that this occurs long before birth. But, even as public outrage causes Planned Parenthood to backpedal their way out of these recent statements, I genuinely want an answer:

“When do you believe a baby acquires the rights of personhood?”

I stand with taxpayers everywhere who are footing the bill for Planned Parenthood to the tune of $542 million a year and demand an answer.


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