Trump and, to some extent, Bernie Sanders are surfing a tidal wave of intense populism of the right and left respectively.

Richard Land: Donald Trump Is a Scam


As Donald Trump captured seven more states in Super Tuesday voting, I would point to what I’ve called the “populist uprising.” Trump and, to some extent, Bernie Sanders are surfing a tidal wave of intense populism of the right and left respectively. There is an anger among voters that I have not witnessed before—an anger that has to do with the political process in general and all who are perceived to a be a part of it.

There have always been far deeper divisions in American society and politics than have commonly been acknowledged or assumed. However, since the 1960s, those divisions, driven by the sexual revolution, the civil rights movement and the Vietnam War, have radically transformed the major political parties. Now, they are much more ideological, rather than geographical, and more economic and social-class driven and worldview oriented.

Unlike liberal and conservative political philosophies, populism is right brained not left brained. Populism is the politics of feelings (the gut) rather than the politics of thinking (the brain). Thus, populism’s influence helps to explain what quite often appears to be irrational.

I understand people’s anger. There are numerous and compelling reasons to be righteously indignant with the Washington political establishment, Republican and Democrat, which too often behaves as if it is more concerned about its own self-preservation than it is about serving the hopes and the needs of the people who elected them to office.

However, it must be said, before it is too late, that whatever the problems may be, Donald Trump is not the answer. I fear that the millions of Americans who are putting their trust in Mr. Trump will be bitterly disillusioned if he were to obtain the nation’s highest office.

First and foremost, our next president should be accountable to a higher power other than himself or herself. The promise and pledge must be to the country and the people, with an unwavering commitment to the safety to our people. We have witnessed over the past several months the need for our leaders to truly stand for America rather than their own needs or the wants and demands of special interest groups. Americans should be confident that their government will protect them and stand for their safety, rather than be afraid that our leaders will compromise everything on which our nation was built. And if that person is a Christian, so much the better.

The 12 important qualities for the next president include:

  1. A person of deep and consistent faith
  2. A person of character
  3. A truth-teller
  4. A faithful husband or wife
  5. A devoted father or mother
  6. A leader who exemplifies to the nation a healthy and admirable marriage and home
  7. A patriot who understands the uniqueness of this “indispensable nation”
  8. A good listener who takes the needs of America to heart rather than furthering his or her own agenda
  9. A communicator who possesses a keen and disciplined mind and the ability to articulate America’s timeless values both to America and the world
  10. A lifelong learner who is knowledgeable about the issues facing the nation
  11. A person of courage who pursues the role of statesman rather than politician
  12. A person with a sense of healthy humor

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