Prophetic Word: The Elephants Are Coming


I’ve been having visions and dreams about big babies. I know enough to pay attention when the Lord keeps showing something, so with my understanding and curiosity, I began to lean in, bringing my heart and ears closer to Him. These babies were supposedly new and young babies, but they were physically big babies. I pondered this with the Lord, and I sensed the Lord saying, “There are many who have big dreams from Me on the inside of them. Many have huge prophetic words that will not only shift their lives but the lives of those connected to them. It shall be noises abroad.”

Let me encourage you; many feel delayed with their specific God-dreams waiting to be birthed in the natural. The enemy has sent so much to cause you to forget, retreat on and abandon God’s plans for you. You have relentlessly held on to it like a bulldog’s jaw enclosed onto its bone. You’ve done this despite the schemes, wiles and tricks of the enemy. You have felt delayed when you look at your peers and all they appear to have birthed, but friend, the Lord wants you to know and believe: “You are not overdue, and your baby will arrive on time.”

Second Corinthians 13:1b says, “In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.” I had at least six occurrences where the Lord was highlighting the big things coming.

Zechariah 4:6 says, “And he said to me: ‘This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel, saying: Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts.'”

What the Lord is doing through you will be brought to manifestation by the Spirit of the Lord—your healing, restoration and the fullness of your promise.

As I prayed about these big babies, the Lord began to highlight elephants to me. I began to process this moment with a friend.

Elephants are protective and huge, and they can crush seven lions at a time with their large bodies.

Elephants can be heard as they approach, and they can’t be hidden because of their gigantic physique.

Elephant babies are bigger than average and have more weight when they arrive.

Elephants are the largest land animal.

Elephants possess a great memory and are sensitive creatures.

The elephant personality can be described according to three distinct traits: attentiveness, sociability and aggressiveness.

Set your affections on things above! Expect it to be big my fiends! Expect our Lord to come fully through according to His Word and plans. Expectancy and anticipation are the breeding grounds of faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. It is crowing and manifesting, friends, and it is an on-time manifestation!

Listen to this week’s episode of Kingdom Touch Downs on Charisma Podcast Network to hear the conclusion of this prophetic insight.

Sherri Downs is a wife and mother of two. Sherri is the published author of Don’t Be Bullied By The Devil, and Keys to Unprecedented Praying Power. Pre-order Righteous Relationship Reset: Doing Marriage God’s Way here. She is a life coach, conference speaker and host. Sherri is committed to her mandate to teach and instruct in the body of Christ. It is a passion to see God’s power manifest in the pews. Sherri believes in the power of God to walk in newness. Connect with Sherri Downs on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

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