God is sending out apostolic teams in this emerging movement of His.

Prophecy: God Is Awakening Revival Model in Book of Acts


The Lord continues to visit me about the vital role of teams in this emerging move of God. It was His pattern of ministry established in the New Testament.

Jesus sent out ministry teams (Luke 10) and commissioned them to declare and demonstrate the kingdom. The apostles sent a team to Samaria to introduce the new converts to the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:14). The apostle Paul led numerous apostolic ministry teams throughout his ministry.

As I was in prayer the Spirit of God came upon me with a strong word for His people concerning teams in this hour:

“I am calling forth the apostolic (sent) companies who will go forth and occupy the territory. They will be sent forth arm in arm, hand in hand linked by My Spirit. I am raising up divine ministry relationships and partnerships in the earth. There is a paradigm of traveling ministry that will be modeled in this season that is a return to the model in the early church. I will send forth apostolic companies to see, proclaim, release, impart, revive and equip.

This assignment will require much grace. There must be a death to personal agendas. The focus must be on the kingdom plans for people, ministries, cities, nations and regions. I will send forth the apostles and prophets linked together by common purpose and destiny. They will go on kingdom assignments. I am nudging the hearts of many right now in the secret place. I am awakening them to see the model of revival in the book of Acts and the power of team ministry. This is not something that can be fulfilled by natural desire or understanding. It must be a work of My Spirit. Competition must bow; pride must bow; old, religious mindsets must bow. For those who have cried out to me for their region have moved my heart. I desire to RAISE up the Apostolic Companies and SEND them forth to the regions.”

The Lord is raising up teams in the earth today. Joint forces will create an atmosphere of maximum impact. There is a stirring of revival and awakening taking place in the hearts of God’s people. He is linking ministry gifts, ministry teams, and companies of believers together by His Spirit to partner in territories and release Kingdom plans & power!

I see the apostolic working alongside of the prophetic releasing vision, insight, power and breakthrough. I see the pastoral linking with the evangelistic and releasing God’s love while bringing in the harvest. The Lord is linking people by His Spirit to partner in revival in a territory. There is a dying to self will, self-serving plans and self-oriented motives.

Through humility ministry gifts, believers, prayer warriors, hungry people are being linked together for harvest. The rushing rivers of revival are released in unity as people lay their agendas down and partner with one another to release the flow of heaven.

“He called to Him the twelve, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over unclean spirits” (Mark 6:7).

Pockets of true revival are breaking out across America. Want to know more about the next great move of God? Click here to see Jennifer LeClaire’s new book, featuring Dutch Sheets, Reinhard Bonnke, Jonathan Cahn, Billy Graham and others.

Ryan LeStrange has been preaching the gospel for more than half of his life. As a young man, God led him to leave his home and travel to Tennessee to study and train under Dr. Norvel Hayes, who later became his spiritual father. Pastor Ryan shares the apostolic call of Dr. Hayes to establish churches, ministries and Bible colleges, and to train leaders in the body of Christ. Ryan hosts a weekly television show on God TV called Power4Today. Ryan is the apostle and leader of Impact International Apostolic Fellowship, a network of churches and ministries around the world with a single vision to birth revival. He has founded two Bible colleges, served as an associate pastor and traveled as an evangelist. Visit him online at ryanlestrange.com.


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