The category for one

Popular End-Times Social Media Account Suspended on Bogus Claims


Today I received not one, but 15 emails from Pinterest, all sent out simultaneously, regarding our ministry account that has allegedly violated their terms and conditions regarding content that is deemed “offensive”.

After reviewing the 15 separate emails, I was shocked to see the claim of the violation. According to Pinterest, all 15 pins that violated the terms were deemed to be “sexually explicit” or “pornographic” in nature. The only problem with this claim is that it is the furthest from the truth.

One of the alleged violations is in the category “Extreme Weather.” This particular category deals with news-related pins regarding weather events around the world. Now tell me again how this is “sexually explicit” or “pornographic” in nature? I am pretty sure that someone with malicious intent has purposely reported multiple pins as “offensive” and thus the site was flagged and suspended with no questions asked.

By the way, I was never given a single option to review any of the alleged images or pins that violated the terms nor given the option to remove them although I was instructed in the email to remove them.

I have submitted an appeal to Pinterest and currently waiting for a response. If you are reading this and you were one of the many who followed us on Pinterest, we regret to inform you that until further notice, the continual purge of social media networks continues. {eoa}

This article originally appeared on End Time Headlines. 


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