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NBC Considers Man Marrying a Woman an ‘Alternative Lifestyle’


Olympic skier, gold medalist and Jesus-follower David Wise, 23, is leading an “alternative lifestyle” because he is married with a child.

That’s according to a piece from NBC as part of its Sochi Olympics coverage.

“At such a young age, Wise has the lifestyle of an adult,” the article begins, begging the question—is Wise anything other than an adult at 23?

“Not to say the rest of the freestyle skiers of halfpipe are not mature, but Wise is mature far beyond his years,” the report continues. “At only 23 years old, he has a wife, Alexandra … and together they have a 2-year-old daughter waiting for them to return to their home in Reno, Nev.”

According to the NBC piece, Wise is a also regular churchgoer who could imagine himself as a pastor someday.

Backlash erupted quickly from Christians and advocates of traditional values, who said Wise’s lifestyle isn’t “alternative” but a forgotten norm.

“It’s the liberal NBC narrative … where you’re not an adult now until you’re 26-ish … or whenever,” wrote social and political commentator Amy Jo Clark, co-founder of “Chicks on the Right.”

On Sunday, the NBC writer, Skyler Wilder, tweeted to report that he and Wise “are still cool.”

What do you think? Should Christians rejoice that NBC highlighted an uplifting example of biblical manhood or fret that what was standard even as few as 50 years ago is now considered an “alternative lifestyle”? Weigh in below.


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