Pastor Saeed Abedini

Mr. President: Will You Bring Home the American Pastor Imprisoned in Iran?


There is much at stake as efforts intensify to reach an agreement with Iran over its nuclear capabilities. Discussions about nuclear enrichment and centrifuges may be central to these negotiations, but there’s another topic that should be addressed.

March 26 marked 2 1/2 years since American Pastor Saeed Abedini was imprisoned in Iran, jailed simply because of his Christian faith. His health is worsening. In a prison where torture and executions are commonplace, Pastor Saeed continues to face grave threats and an uncertain future.

The Obama administration has been vocal in calling for Pastor Saeed’s release. In a face-to-face meeting with the Abedini family in January, President Obama told them that he considers securing the release of Pastor Saeed a “top priority.” He also told the family that his negotiating team—led by Secretary of State John Kerry—continues to bring up Pastor Saeed’s case with the Iranians.

Continue reading this article on Fox News.


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