Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Western Wall with his wife, Sarah.

Jonathan Cahn: Why Satan Targets Jewish People


An eternal warfare is attempting to stop Jesus from returning, Jim Bakker and Rabbi Jonathan Cahn say. 

But the truth of the matter is no religion or power in hell can keep Christ from returning. Yet the devil himself has attempted to stop God’s plan throughout history.  

“You know, if we were from another planet, and we came visiting this world, and we knew nothing about anything, and we just looked at what’s happening in the world, and we just looked at why is this crazy, this, all the forces of darkness are attacking this one people, to wipe them out, we’d say there’s got to be something wrong with this one people,” Cahn says.  

It’s because if the enemy wiped out the Jewish people, there’d be no one for Christ to come back to.  

Watch the video to see more details. 


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