Ron Webb

It’s Time for the Church to Embrace Isaiah 58


It’s time for churches to cry loud and spare not, to lift up their voices like a trumpet of Zion, Bishop Ron Webb says.

The Mt Calvary Power House Church minister says that with the Johnson amendment lifted, pastors and preachers should be praising God at the top of their lungs because they are no longer bound by politics in the pulpit.

Televangelist Jim Bakker agrees.

“It’s time for the church to stand up for unity and love, but that doesn’t mean we give up,” Bakker says.

“This is what bothers me is that people think that if you’re a good Christian, you should just lay down and die for the devil; you just give up your freedom of speech,” Bakker says.

But Christ did not give us His Word so we could hide in the bunker until the storm blows over.

Watch the video to see more.

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