A view shows the bell tower of the church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray near Rouen in Normandy, France, where French priest, Father Jacques Hamel, was killed with a knife and another hostage seriously wounded in an attack on the church that was carried out by assailants linked to Islamic State.

ISIS Warns American, British Christian Clergy, Congregants: You’re Next


Following the brutal murder of an elderly Catholic Priest in France, ISIS has publicly warned British Christian clergy and their congregants: you’re next. Police publicly warned Britain’s 5.4 million Christian church goers, pastors and clergy to be on alert as they are likely targets for ISIS.

The Daily Mail reports that security has now been increased for Britain’s 47,000 churches in response to ISIS’s threat to target Christians and churches in major world cities. Roughly 5.4 million British citizens are church members.

“Deputy Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu said: ‘Following recent events in France, we are reiterating our protective security advice to Christian places of worship and have circulated specific advice today. We are also taking this opportunity to remind them to review their security arrangements as a precaution. Daesh and other terrorist groups have targeted Christian as well as Jewish and other faith groups in the West and beyond. While the threat from terrorism remains unchanged at severe we urge the public to be vigilant.”

Citing analysts at the SITE intelligence group, the Mail reports that London is on an ISIS hit list of cities it plans to target next.

But, London is not alone. America is next.

ISIS released pictures of major world cities online, two of which are New York City and Washington, D.C.

One image ISIS published is of the Statue of Liberty on fire with a caption that reads: “Washington soon.” And: 


ISIS urges its followers to attack churches, which it refers to as “Christian crusaders.”


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