In the same way, false teachers use biblical words to capture attention and gain the trust of someone seeking the life of Jesus Christ.

How False Prophets Deceive the Masses


There is an underhanded way to sell products called the bait-and-switch method. Here is how it works: A retailer entices a person to purchase an item. Yet, when the consumer gets ready to buy the product, he is told that there are no more in inventory.

Immediately, the deceptive retailer tries to sell the consumer another product that is inferior to the one first offered. If the consumer buys it, the retailer makes a handsome profit, while the customer is swindled.

In the same way, false teachers use biblical words to capture attention and gain the trust of someone seeking the life of Jesus Christ. They use trusted terms to lure people away from the salvation message of the life of Jesus Christ. Essentially, they are the masters of the bait-and-switch method.

Deception is a principal tool used by the enemy. Names such as devil and Satan are significant words because they mean “deceiver” and “slanderer.”

Like the false teachers in the New Testament, those who seek to deceive us through misguided religious interpretation help Satan achieve his goal of keeping us from establishing an intimate relationship with the Lord.

It has been said that Satan is not fighting churches; he is joining them! He can do more harm by sowing tares than by pulling up wheat. How do you become spiritually “in tune” with God? Ask Him to make you sensitive to His voice. Refuse to listen to or to spend time with ideologies that do not line up with the Word of God.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for Your Word. Please help me to be spiritually tuned in to Your voice, blocking the lies of the enemy. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


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