Who Are the Two Worst Presidents in History?


If you hadn’t noticed, America needs stronger leadership than what it has now. In these critical times, we need individuals who are statesmen with character and convictions who’ll take courageous stands.

2023CMPrintcoverMultitudes believe that future generations will record America’s two worst presidents as James Buchanan and Joe Biden. Historians believe one was an incompetent homosexual who led us into the Civil War, and the other a cognitive declining nonproblem-solver who’s a pawn for progressive radicals intent on collapsing America while transforming her into big government socialism.

Thomas Jefferson warned us: “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is people of good conscience to remain silent.”

As we look back over a week or two, may we embrace what the Bible teaches us about “standing in the evil day” (Eph. 6:13).

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