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Larry Tomczak’s Week in Review, Special Edition: 15 Reasons to Eradicate the Equality Act


Jesus told us, “If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the ditch” (Matt.15:14).

Today, elected leaders—who themselves are blind to truth—are trying to compel millions to follow them into gross darkness and destruction.

The Equality Act (HR 5) has been called, “the most dangerous legislation ever proposed in America’s history” by Mat Staver, founder of Liberty Counsel. We must understand the deception and devastation it will bring to our children, churches, colleges, ministries, athletics and every area of life.

God has intervened with a creative initiative to influence our 100 Senators to say no to the radical overturning of our morals and American way of life.

Let me outline the 15 reasons to eradicate the Equality Act and point you to the powerful strategy God gave us to emerge victorious. Watch this video in full, and visit stophr5.com to make a difference.

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