Grey's Anatomy

Gay Agenda Makes Not-So-Subtle Inroads Into Prime-Time TV


The gay agenda’s voice is growing louder on prime-time TV—all in the name of entertainment diversity.

According to a new report from The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), the number of regular lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) characters on broadcast networks has risen to the highest ever recorded.

Indeed, more prime-time television shows are celebrating the gay lifestyle. Could this be a subtle way to further “mainstream” homosexual lifestyles that defy the Word of God? The gay agenda is celebrating the news.

“This year’s increase of LGBT characters on television reflects a cultural change in the way gay and lesbian people are seen in our society,” says GLAAD President Herndon Graddick. “More and more Americans have come to accept their LGBT family members, friends, coworkers and peers, and as audiences tune into their favorite programs, they expect to see the same diversity of people they encounter in their daily lives.”

So, who’s giving airtime to the most gay characters? I was surprised by the results of the survey. ABC has the highest number, with 5.2 percent of their regular characters identifying as LGBT. Wait, what? Disney owns ABC. Disney is supposed to be a family-friendly company. For some reason, I don’t think old Walt ever imagined propagating the gay agenda, despite his imaginative fairy-tale characters.

And Fox, known for its hard-hitting conservative news broadcasts, is also on the LGBT bandwagon. Fox is in second place on GLAAD’s list with six LGBT characters, or 5.1 percent of its cast. Finally, CBS features fours LGBT characters, or 2.8 percent of its cast.

Graddick believes it’s vital for networks to weave complex and diverse storylines of LGBT people in the different programs they air. From her perspective, when young LGBT people see loving couples like Callie and Arizona on Grey’s Anatomy or Degrassi’s confident transgender high school student Adam Torres, they find characters they can look up to and slowly start building the courage to live authentically.

I disagree. I believe it’s vital for networks to weave in simple and moral storylines of characters with biblical values. That’s what’s largely missing from television today. From my perspective, when young LGBT people see television broadcasting that sends the message of God’s love and celebrates traditional morals, they find characters they can look up to and slowly start building the courage to turn away from sin and live a life for a loving God.

What say you? Should we be celebrating the gay culture on prime time TV? Or would you prefer to see broadcasting with more biblical values? Does it bother you that a Disney-owned network and a conservative bellwether are leading the charge in LGBT TV characters?

Jennifer LeClaire is news editor at Charisma. She is also the author of several books, including Did the Spirit of God Say That? You can email Jennifer at  [email protected] or visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.


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