The U.S. Capitol is seen the day after the election of Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election in Washington

Did God Answer Our Election Prayers?


Over the last three weeks, I have sensed the Lord stirring my heart to pray and have encouraged IFA intercessors to pray, Isaiah 9:7: “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and over his kingdom, to order it and to establish it with justice and with righteousness, from now until forever. The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this.”

This verse concludes a section describing government to be upon Jesus’ shoulders with ever-increasing power, and with a foundation of justice and righteousness. The final phrase is what struck my heart: “The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this.”

I have traveled all over the U.S. in the last three months, encouraging people to pray along the lines that we would see a mighty move of God’s zeal to install His kingdom values in our government.

As I attended prayer events and participated on prayer calls with thousands of Christians over the months, I noticed clear trends in how believer’s prayed:

  1. They prayed that the party platform best reflecting biblical values would prevail.   

Answered prayer: The Republican Platform prevailed. For those who have not had a chance to contrast the two major party platforms, please determine for yourselves if the Republican platform is the most biblical. Some have said that the Republican platform is the most biblical in the history of our nation.  

  1. They prayed that the press would report the truth, which would affect voters’ hearts and minds.

Answered prayer:  It appears that 26 percent of the voters in this election decided to vote in the last four weeks of the campaign season. During this time, 49 percent chose to vote for Trump, a percentage that was basically the same as his overall percentage. But Clinton saw a dramatic decrease, garnering just 39 percent of those voters. This means that 12 percent of those who decided to vote in the final hours went independent, pulling from the Clinton base. It was during these final hours that the media reported news of possible illegal actions by Clinton while reporting possible immoral actions by Trump. It seems the reports of illegal actions weighed more heavily in people’s minds than immoral behavior.  Even with Clinton winning the popular vote by a razor thin difference, it was these late voters that most likely made the difference in the presidential election. 

  1. They prayed that there would be a stirring in the American public to vote for conservative values.

Answered prayer: There has been little change in the last four years among those who call themselves either liberals, moderates or conservatives.

However, there is a clear trend that Democrats in all three classifications moved clearly toward the more conservative candidate, with a slighter trend of more Republicans voting for the conservative candidate. 

  1. They prayed that the church would be stirred to vote for the conservative candidate.

Answered prayer: There is a clear trend with the Democratic voter bloc, and a slight trend among the Republican voter bloc to support the conservative candidate. 

I offer a few conclusions to this long grueling campaign season.

First, praise God it is over! I don’t think anyone could have taken much more of the vitriol of this campaign. The comments on social media have been polarizing. The TV ads have been infuriating. We need to move past this disunity, and as our president-elect said last night, “we need to unify this country.”

Second, we have witnessed a mighty move of God! No one would have predicted that Clinton would win the popular vote and Trump the electoral vote. This is simply unbelievable!  Isn’t it just like God to surprise us in a way that we could not foresee? There have been many prophetic words in the prayer community about Trump winning, Trump being a “Cyrus,” but who saw the end results this way?

Third, I can tell you that more unified prayer went into this election than any in our nation’s history. I can say this simply because of the use of technology to mobilize prayer. Social media, webcasts, conference calls and prayer resources were all used in great measure to bring people together to pray the promises of Scripture. There have been nationwide fasts and prayer desperately calling out for God’s hand to move in America across many prayer networks. It is incredible to join God in shaping history through prayer and fasting!

Finally, now is the important time to continue to pray. Psalm 20:7 reminds us “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” As Christians, we must not sit back and say our task is complete. We must press into God for a continued move across this country to see Roe v. Wade and the Johnson Amendment reversed, releasing the power of the church into government once again; to see Israel supported as our most important ally; and to see Supreme Court Justices appointed who will not create laws, but instead only interpret laws. May His kingdom come on Earth as it is in heaven! {eoa}

David Kubal is the president and CEO of Intercessors for America 

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