Cindy Jacobs

Cindy Jacobs Issues a Hezekiah Cry in Korea Prayer Initiative


With the current saber-rattling in North Korea, it is important to “lean into the spirit” and discern both what God is saying and how to pray.

When we convened our prophetic round table, the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, one of our prophets issued a strong word that the situation in the Koreas would improve, and I included it in our word.

Now, with this situation in which the new, young dictator, Kim Jong-un, is “flexing his muscles” to the world, was this a false prophecy? Of course, that needs to be looked at in this time. However, I believe the reason the Lord gave the word is to show the place He ultimately wants to take the two Koreas. Many thousands of people in South Korea have prayed for the reconciliation of the two sides into one again. I, myself, have been a part of a number of them.

In this season, we must not lose heart, and we must stand praying persistently for this to happen (see Luke 18). Ultimately, it will take place, but what will the “in-between” look like? It all depends on how we pray!

This is why I dub this call for intercession Hezekiah’s Cry. Second Kings 18 portrays a bleak picture of an army that was certainly more fierce than North Korea, called Assyria. The king of that nation was doing more than saber-rattling. He could make good on this threats.

It was at that time that King Hezekiah took the threat seriously and called for the prophets. He also sought the Lord. As I prayed this morning about the current situation in Korea, I feel that this threat must be taken seriously, and God wants to use it, in some way, to further the reuniting of Korea.

So how do we pray and act?
  1. A united church in prayer will bring about a united Korea. This must be done across denominational lines.
  2. Pray for wisdom for South Korea’s President Park Geun-hye. She is called, like Deborah in the Bible, for such a time as this.  
  3. Ask God to “neutralize” the ability of the North Korean military from advancing against South Korea.
  4. Pray Psalm 91 over not only South Korea, but also Japan and the United States.
  5. It is time for the believers in both Japan and South Korea to stand together as one. Prayer between the two nations needs to take place.
  6. Believe that the Lord will give Kim Jong-un a visitation from God. Ask the Lord to give him a dream, as well as send laborers to him, so he will be saved and turn to the Lord.
  7. Pray for the persecuted church in North Korea.
  8. Many of the poor will suffer even more with the new United Nations sanctions. Cry out that ways will be found to provide relief to them in the midst of this season.
  9. Ask God to influence China, that it will no longer support this rogue nation.
  10. Pray for those in the military in South Korea to have wisdom and protection. Ask the Lord for a great revival among the leaders. The believers in the military need to call for prayer meetings, especially those who are stationed at the DMZ.       

Again, let me reiterate that the church must take the threat this time seriously. Kim Jong-un is a young leader. I believe he is receiving bad advice at this time, and it is playing into his feeling that he needs to prove himself.

This is a wake-up call to the church of Korea that God will no longer allow divisions and schisms to take place over doctrines that are not central to the basic tenets of the gospel. There must be repentance for legalism and a self-righteous attitude in some. God will hear the cries of his people when they, like Hezekiah, stand in the place of seeking God.

Cindy Jacobs is the co-founder of Generals International. She has two doctorate degrees and has authored seven books.


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