Ben Carson

The Smear Campaign Against Ben Carson


The mainstream media’s political hit job on Dr. Ben Carson is nothing short of a smear campaign, laden with rumors and innuendos and flat-out lies.

It is further evidence of the mainstream media’s appalling behavior toward black conservatives. They insinuated he made up stories about his past—violent behavior that was changed once he became a Christian.

So why smear Dr. Carson?

President Obama wrote in his memoir that he smoked marijuana and snorted cocaine. How do we know for certain? Where’d he get the drugs? I don’t seem to recall the mainstream media tracking down that information.

I don’t seem to recall them exposing the president’s college transcripts, either. As a matter of fact, a good number of conservatives were accused of racism for even mentioning the president’s troubled childhood.

So why Dr. Carson? And why hasn’t the mainstream media delved into the backgrounds of the white Democratic candidates?

Ultimately, Dr. Carson’s life story is not about condemnation—it’s about redemption. It’s about the Gospel of John—Chapter 3, Verse 16.

But I’m afraid that’s a story the mainstream media doesn’t care to cover.


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