San Diego parents are disgusted over what they are calling pornographic lessons that are part of the school district’s new state-mandated sex education program.

Parents Fight Pornographic Sex-Ed Policy for Sixth-Graders


San Diego parents are disgusted over what they are calling pornographic lessons that are part of the school district’s new state-mandated sex education program.

The California Healthy Youth Act has been described as “the most robust comprehensive sexual health law in the country.”

“The materials they’re teaching are graphic and pornographic and go well beyond the law,” attorney Dean Broyles told the San Diego Union-Tribune.

“Parents are shocked, ” Karin De Jauregui told ABC San Diego. “Parents are appalled by this curriculum. The law states that parents have the ultimate authority in impacting values to their children, not the schools.”

The outrage captured the attention of Franklin Graham, president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

“There’s an agenda in California and every other state to target the minds and hearts of children. The agenda is to lure them into promiscuity and condition their minds to accept lifestyles that are against the teaching of God’s Word,” Graham wrote in a Facebook post.

“Using smutty language and imagery to taint the minds of elementary school children—or any age students for that matter— is wrong,” he wrote.

NBC News San Diego reported that some of the material meant for children was too racy to be shown on television.

However, not everyone is opposed to the graphic sex education program. The San Diego LGBT Community Center praised the curriculum.

“Our LGBT youth deserve schools that are safe, and they deserve schools that give the comprehensive information they need to make healthy choices now and in their bright futures,” spokesperson Caroline Dessert told the Union-Tribune.


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