Hillary Clinton at the Benghazi hearing.

Drop the Smirk, Hillary—Four Americans Are Dead


I’m not too sure what was accomplished during that 11-hour hearing on Benghazi, other than to verify the fact that Hillary Clinton would not know the truth if it was stuffed into a polyester pantsuit.

We now know that her narrative on what happened in Benghazi was a lie—a flat-out lie.

She knew all along that the attack was not the result of a YouTube video. She said so in emails to her daughter and to the Egyptian prime minister.

So she lied to the American people. She even lied to the families of those killed. And yet, the mainstream media portrays Hillary Clinton as some sort of victim of Benghazi. Does anyone really believe this woman has the moral compass to lead the nation?

Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan got to the heart of the matter during his interrogation of the former Secretary of State.

“Privately, your story was much different than it was publicly,” he said. “You said to the Egyptian prime minister, ‘We know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack, not a protest.’ You said to your family, ‘Terrorists killed two of our good people.'”

She lied.

For what it’s worth, Congressman Trey Gowdy should’ve invited the families of those killed to interrogate Mrs. Clinton. I’m sure they would be more than willing to tell her what difference it makes.

And finally, a word of advice for Mrs. Clinton: Four Americans are dead, ma’am. So you might want to drop the smirk.


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