pro-life protestor

Abortionists Offer ‘Black Friday’ Discounts in Demonic Marketing Scheme


It’s not as bad as kill your baby for free day, but it’s nevertheless appalling through the pro-life lens.

I’ve long known that abortion is big business and demonic marketing machines have no shame in leveraging any promotional scheme available to lure pregnant women into their deadly clutches. But this latest murderous strategy is dark indeed.

As consumers were standing in line for hours waiting to get into the retail store of their choice for deep discounts on everything from clothing to electronics, a South Florida Planned Parenthood clinic was offering some Black Friday discounts of its own.

The death den offered a whopping $10 off abortions for pregnant women who visited between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Although Planned Parenthood advocates insist the coupons were for birth control pills rather than abortions, the coupon offers no language that excludes abortions. I can’t imagine that Planned Parenthood didn’t honor the coupon for abortions.

Fearful pregnant women looking for a way of escape, therefore, are tempted to cash in on a quick discount while their friends were out Christmas shopping.

It’s ironic. During a season where we are celebrating the birth of Jesus, abortionists are seemingly working over time to convince women to choose death.

What will abortionists think of next?

Jennifer LeClaire is news editor at Charisma. She is also founder of Bound4LIFE Fort Lauderdale. You can email Jennifer at  [email protected] or visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.


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