9 Reasons God Wants to Do Miracles Through Teenagers


Revival is what happens when God’s power explodes onto the scene, Heaven comes to earth, and people see God’s Kingdom. Revival brings change. People repent and abandon their past sins. People who love God can bring Him into schools, churches, restaurants, malls, and homes. Whole cities and even countries can turn to God as people begin to see with faith. Peace, healing, and joy come and kick out the kingdom of darkness, hatred, sickness, and fear. God’s Kingdom of light rules in a revival.

Signs and wonders help make revival happen as people see miracles. They get a firsthand look at God’s presence and power, and suddenly, they can’t ignore Him anymore.

Before you can get your driver’s license, chances are you’ll have to pass a test that proves you recognize all the different road signs and understand what they mean. Signs like these are everywhere in our world, and they’re extremely helpful and important. Without them, no one would be safe on the roads.

Have you ever taken a road trip to somewhere awesome? Where did you go? If it was a long trip, maybe you remember the first time you saw a sign for your destination and knew you were close. “New York City: 60 miles,” “Welcome to Disneyland”—pretty exciting, right? You might even whip out the camera and take a picture of the sign. But did you even think about stopping and staying at the sign? Not likely! Why? Because the sign wasn’t the destination. It was pointing to something even better, and it was exciting, but if you decided to hang out by the sign itself, you’d miss out on all the fun!

When you think of a miraculous healing, or even someone being raised from the dead, did it ever occur to you that those signs, wonders, and miracles are just like that road sign? They help us get to our revival—they point the way to something even greater. But God’s signs—even the most exciting ones—aren’t the best part. What’s the best part? Well, let’s follow the signs and see where they take us.

1. Miracles Show What God Is Like
You are here to be a witness for God—that means you show what God is like, and that includes God’s power. God isn’t helpless and hopeless in the face of sickness, death, blind eyes, and deaf ears. Miracles show us what He’s really like.

He’s like sickness vanishing and leaving you feeling like a million bucks. He’s like the deaf person being able to listen to music again, like the once-blind person now watching the sun rise. He’s like life instead of death. Without miracles, people won’t get to see this side of God. They will miss out on knowing that His powerful love can and will take care of them—because that’s how much He cares.


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