Speaker of the House Paul Ryan at a pro-life rally.

33 Must-Follow Pro-Life Leaders as Twitter Marks 10 Years


As Twitter marks its 10th anniversary on March 21, this social media platform highlights the power of one voice—and the power of many. It used to be people could only gather together at a protest to stand in unison over a common purpose. Today, we can do it with hashtags.

Digital advocacy has become a crucial aspect of in-person events. Weeks ago, hundreds gathered at the U.S. Supreme Court as the most critical abortion case in a generation was heard inside: Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt. Both pro-life and pro-abortion sides were out in force, including on Twitter as hashtags #ProtectThemBoth, #StopTheSham, #HB2 and #SCOTUS began trending widely.

Twitter and other social media platforms have completely changed how news is gathered, reported and consumed; pro-life issues are no exception. Within 140 characters, varied content flows daily from voices who highlight the value of life from conception to natural death: updates on state laws being passed, undercover videos exposing the dark realities of abortion, moving personal stories and quick pro-life insights on daily trending topics.

Beyond annual gatherings, many faithfully provide education, prayers and equipping via Twitter that any pro-life advocate can join in year-round. The following 33 leaders and groups are a sampling of must-follow pro-life advocates who amplify and advance a culture of life.

Jill Stanek | National Campaign Chair, Susan B. Anthony List | Former Nurse

The Radiance Foundation | New media organization celebrating the purpose of every life

Abby Johnson | Founder, And Then There Were None | Former Planned Parenthood Director

Life News | The top independent pro-life news agency worldwide

Alveda King | Niece of Martin Luther King, Jr. | Director, Civil Rights for the Unborn

Charlotte Lozier Institute | Research team integrating science, medicine and life issues

Bound4LIFE | A grass-roots movement to pray for the ending of abortion

Rep. Diane Black | U.S. House Member representing 6th District of Tennessee

Live Action News | The publishing arm of Live Action | A youth-led pro-life organization

Kathryn Jean Lopez | Editor-at-Large of National Review Online

Students for Life of America | The nation’s largest youth pro-life organization

Jeanne Mancini | President, March For Life Education and Defense Fund

Senator Tim Scott | U.S. Senator representing the State of South Carolina

Americans United for Life | A nonprofit, public interest legal group

Gloria Purvis |Co-host of “Morning Glory Radio Show” on EWTN

Gov. Greg Abbott | Governor of the State of Texas

Sarah Torre |Policy Analyst, The Heritage Foundation | Focusing on family and life issues

LifeSiteNews | Nonprofit news organization reporting issues of culture, life and family

Rep. Marsha Blackburn |TN Congresswoman | Chair, Select Panel on Infant Lives

Susan B. Anthony List | Pro-life advocacy group fights for laws to safeguard the innocent

Rep. Chris Smith | U.S. House Member from New Jersey | Chairman, Pro-Life Caucus

40 Days for Life | Worldwide campaign of peaceful prayer vigils outside abortion centers

Harms Report | News aggregator with links to latest pro-life headlines and commentary

Rep. Mia Love |U.S. House Member representing 4th Congressional District of Utah

Campaign Life Coalition | National political arm of the pro-life movement in Canada

Family Research Council | Advancing faith, family and freedom from the nation’s capital

BioEdge | Latest news about bioethics with an accent on human dignity

Online For Life | Saving babies and families from abortion using technology

Michael New | Associate Scholar, Charlotte Lozier Institute

Concerned Women for America | America’s largest public policy organization of women

Stand True | A Christ-centered pro-life student outreach of Priests for Life

Gov. Mary Fallin | Governor of the State of Oklahoma

Care Net | One of the largest networks of pregnancy care centers in North America

This selection of pro-life Twitter voices reflects the variety and value of free speech. Yet some messages are beginning to be stifled.

Recently, Twitter created a Trust and Safety Council that brings suspicion of possible censorship. This council has the ability to mute Twitter users deemed to be hateful—or perhaps simply politically incorrect. Many of the 40 organizations comprising this council are liberal-leaning groups seeking to monitor free speech and even restrict the pro-life message.

With 1.3 billion users, Twitter cannot be ignored. We must exercise and defend the sacred freedom we have in this country to speak up for what matters. Ten years since the first tweet, this social media platform continues to be a vital resource to stay engaged in our common purpose of protecting women and children.

Passionate about the issue of life, Julie Klose is a freelance writer and blogger at The Velvet Brick and Bound4LIFE International, a grass-roots movement to pray for the ending of abortion, carry the spirit of adoption and believe for revival and reformation. She and her husband raise their children in Virginia.


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