Top of the Week: Demonic Ritual Sends Dozens of Young Women to Hospital


Following are snippets of the top new stories posted on over the past week. We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full.

Demonic Ritual Sends Dozens of Young Women to Hospital

Satan is trying to take control of young people’s lives, and preys on the world’s lack of knowledge regarding warfare in the spiritual realm.

By convincing people that demonic activities and rituals are harmless and no big deal, they in turn open themselves up to spiritual attacks that can have physical manifestations.

This is what many parents are fearing when 28 young women were hospitalized after collapsing while playing with Ouija boards at a school in Colombia.

ER Prayer Brings Woman Back From the Dead

During the Coffeyville (Kan.) Revival a medical doctor testified of a woman rising from the dead in an Emergency Room when an Assembly of God pastor laid hands on her and prayed over her.

Landon D. Vinson, M.D., who works in the Emergency Department at Coffeyville Regional Medical Center (CRMC), has been witnessing to colleagues of the miracle he witnessed of God raising a woman from the dead in the Emergency Room. Now, he is telling it to churches.

Rev. Randy DePriest, pastor of the First Assembly of God of Coffeyville, Kansas, and a key leader in the Coffeyville Revival, witnessed the miracle when he was called upon by the medical staff to console the woman’s husband. DePriest invited Dr. Vinson to tell First Assembly of God of the miracle that they witnessed.

Disney Actor Declares Jesus His Savior Live at Awards Show

There is power in the words people speak out loud, especially in front of a young, impressionable audience like the one at the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards.

The words that come out of a person’s mouth have the power of life or death held within them. So, when an awards recipient stands up in front of an audience of millions and declares Jesus to be their Savior, they are speaking life over all who hear their words.

As Disney star Joshua Bassett of the hit show, “High School Musical: The Musical: The Series,” took the stage to accept the award for “Favorite Male TV star,” he used the opportunity to speak life over every young person in the audience.

God Used Lonnie Frisbee Powerfully Despite His Flaws

Near the end of the film “Jesus Revolution,” Pastor Chuck Smith gives his young disciple Greg Laurie the keys to a church and challenges him to launch a new congregation. When Laurie expresses his lack of confidence, Smith says: “God has a long history of using flawed people.”

Those words certainly apply to the Jesus Movement, the spiritual revival that started in California when a long-haired hippie named Lonnie Frisbee showed up on Smith’s doorstep in 1968. The movement brought hundreds of thousands of people to Christ during the 1970s. “Jesus Revolution” portrays Frisbee’s early days as an evangelist, but there wasn’t enough screen time to unpack his complicated life.

“Jesus Revolution” captures Frisbee’s humor, his passion for the gospel and his love for his disciples. We see him baptizing new converts in the Pacific Ocean, preaching on a college campus and sharing his testimony on a Kathryn Kuhlman TV show. But there are hints of a darker side: His relationship with his wife gets testy, he has conflicts with Smith after the pastor corrects him about his youthful arrogance and Frisbee eventually parts ways with Smith.

One Pastor’s Alleged Abuse and Cover-Up Across Multiple Megachurches

“There’s nothing quite like waking up to discover that your church is being featured on an episode of ‘Dateline,'” Pastor Cal Jernigan wrote in a letter to Central Christian Church, the congregation he leads in Phoenix, Arizona.

Jernigan’s church has been under the microscope and featured in news headlines after he brought in Caleb Baker to work on their staff as the Lead Student Pastor and Associate Preaching Pastor.

On Feb. 12th Jernigan discovered Caleb was involved in a six month extramarital relationship with another staff member at their church. {eoa}

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