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The Truth Set Her Free


Yatharth’s parents were worried about her. Their once healthy and vibrant girl was behaving in a way that suggested a serious mental breakdown. Yatharth’s family worshipped the traditional gods of their remote Asian tribe, so her parents offered sacrifices and prayers on her behalf, but her bizarre behavior worsened. 

That’s when God brought Gospel for Asia-supported missionary Mahim Singh Kolam to the family’s door. Kolam recognized that demonic spirits were tormenting the girl. He told the couple about Jesus and invited them to bring Yatharth to church, where Kolam and his small congregation prayed for the Lord to release Yatharth. She was set free and chose to follow Christ that very day. In this photograph, a Gospel for Asia missionary prays for a young girl who, like Yatharth, was suffering from demonic oppression.


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